Friday 16 April 2010

2001: A Space Odyssey(AKA the movie that changed me)

I remember the day clearly. It was almost 2 years ago when I was exposed to the brilliance of Stanley Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey, from what I remember it was a kind of Kubrick marathon(it was followed by A Clockwork Orange). 2001 is very divisive, some hate it whilst others love it. On my first viewing I didn't think too much of the movie. A couple of months passed and then one day I was browsing through a videostore and saw 2001 on the shelf at a cheap price and thought a rewatch is in order. On my first watch I really wasn't paying that much attention and thought it is rather slow in places but on the rewatch I paid full attention and loved it completely(now my favourite movie ever). At this point I must say I am not a sci fi geek at all.
The movie really is a masterpiece in every sense of the word. In the first half hour or so not a single word is spoken, it's just classical music. Then the last half hour is a visual spectacle of the highest order. What makes it even more brilliant is the ambigious ending which is open to interpretation. 2001 for me is a perfect movie and one I can rewatch over and over again and still be in complete awe over it's brilliance.