Thursday 12 March 2009


Let me start off by saying I love watching Frasier. In fact I only started watching it after it ended but I became addicted to it straight away. What I love about the show is that unlike most sitcoms, the humour is so refined. Each and every one of the characters are just so loveable but my favourites are either Frasier or Martin.
My favourite Frasier episode is the one in which Martin pretends to be gay to avoid going out with a man and Niles has to pretend to be his boyfriend. My favourite Frasier quote comes from the episodes where Daphne had gained a lot of weight. She accidentally falls over and Martin tries to pick her up but fails, then Niles tries and then Frasier after which Martin wittily remarks"You know what's funny, it took three Cranes to pick you up.
I would like nothing more to say that Frasier was consistently funny but unfortunately I can't, the last season was franky abysmal and really let down what would have a consistently funny show. In particular an episode called Coots and Ladders where Frasier stuck in a rut decides to steal something valuable from a neighbour. The finale I thought was excellent. Frasier is a breath of fresh air and highly reccomended to people who are looking for a change from juvenile sitcoms like Friends for instance.


  1. I usually strongly dislike American sitcoms, but Frasier I liked, and I used to watch it often. While still very stagey, the humour was subtle and the characters funny and true. I hate Friends though...

  2. Yeah, Frasier was a really good show. Much better than many sitcoms. It's not exactly gonna end up in my top ten shows list, but it was a terrific example of its genre.
